International Cooperation Office
- 2023-04-21 08:25:00
- News
Lectures at the International University of Sarajevo
Between 27 - 31.03.2023, dr inż. Adam Ujma lecturer at the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa was a guest at the International University of Sarajevo, in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as part of the Erasmus+ KA107 programme.
As part of the programme, he gave lectures to Architecture students on the topics:
"Architectural solutions for large-scale buildings with elements of green building, rainwater retention systems and renewable energy devices" and "Opportunities to reduce heat loss and limit non-renewable energy consumption in modern construction".
The presented content of the lectures, based on the experience of world and Polish scientists and practitioners in the respective fields, indicating contemporary directions and trends in the evolution of architectural and construction solutions, was met with great interest by students and lecturers at the Faculty of Architecture at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS). It was pointed out that the content discussed during the lectures of dr inż. Adam Ujma should be more widely included in the curricula of classes at IUS.
During the visit, dr inż. Adam Ujma familiarised himself with the UIS recruitment rules, the Architecture degree programme and the process of its implementation. He held discussions with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at UIS and lecturers in the Architecture faculty, regarding the expansion of cooperation in the form of joint programmes, projects and articles. The lectures and meetings with IUS staff were an excellent way to promote PANS in Nysa. Conversations with the university's management and staff showed the openness of the Sarajevo centre to develop cooperation in the field of education and science between our institutions.