International Cooperation Office
- 2024-11-20 10:13:00
- News
Economic Issues in the International Context (EIIC)” has been selected and Funded by DAAD for the Internationalization of German Universities to Dr. Pradeep Kumar
We feel privileged to announce that Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Adjunct at the faculty of Philology, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa/Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nysie has been selected for the project “Economic Issues in the International Context (EIIC) - 2024”. The project is dedicated to the “Internationalization of German Universities” and is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) through the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Dr. Kumar will be conducting scientific research and delivering lectures in Germany for German and International students which will be supporting the project creating internationalization at German Universities.
The project aims to bring long-term impact to the participating universities in Germany:
- to the establishment of efficient and cosmopolitan universities in Germany, and
- to establish and/or intensify international exchange and cooperation on the internationalization strategy and Profile building of German Universities.
To achieve these long-term effects (impacts), the program pursues the following goals (outcomes):
- The students at the German university have gained international and intercultural learning experiences (Internationalisation@home).
- The international dimension of teaching at the German university is strengthened.
The project is funded for the year 2024-2025 and will be coordinated/conducted at/through the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Economics, University of Applied Sciences in Mittweida, Germany, where Dr. Kumar has been awarded as a visiting Professor "Professor for International Entrepreneurship and Economics/"Professor für Internationales Unternehmertum und Wirtschaft”. On October 1st, Dr. Kumar was welcomed by Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Johannes N. Stelling, Dean Faculty of Industrial Engineering, University of Applied Sciences; Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Schmalfuß, Ex-Dean; Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Serge Velesco, Academic Dean, and coordinator of the project; and other academic as well as administrative staff. Neuer Gastprofessor an der Fakultät Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
On November 27th, Dr. Kumar is scheduled to deliver an opening lecture for all the university’s academic and administrative staff where he’ll be presenting the project and strategies that support the university, faculty, and students. Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Pradeep Kumar
Dr. Kumar had already launched a few projects with UAS Mittweida since 2019 and executed them very efficiently and effectively
- Two BIPs (Blended Intensive Programs)
- Two Academia-Industrial experiences in Poland at PANS Nysa
- Two Academia-Industrial experiences with the participation of Indian Universities in Mittweida, Germany (through Indo-European Education Foundation).
- Drafted 5 syllabi for Master's and Bachelor studies, and delivered entire programs
- Few Teaching Mobilities
- Supported them for EAST-WEST Forum
- Many other projects