International Cooperation Office
- 2024-03-13 07:04:00
- News
4th edition of BRCDGV-2024 in Pune, India
The 4th edition of an International Conference Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village (BRCDGV-2024) was successfully organized and conducted in India at Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, during March 12-13, 2024.
BRCDGV-2024, the 4th edition of the International Conference ‘“Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village” was organized in India at Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), formerly known as the University of Pune, India. The conference was jointly organized by Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nysie/ University of Applied Sciences in Nysa; Indo-European Education Foundation, Poland; and Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India. The 4th edition of BRCDGV-2024 was successfully organized and conducted by SPPU Pune in association with the IEEF’s branch Nysa, IEEF Poland; University of Applied Sciences in Mittweida, Germany; and California State University, Bakersfield, USA; along with other associate partners from Ukraine, TNTU Ternopil; Patna University, Patna, India; CNLU Patna, India; BIPARD, Gaya, India; MIT World Peace University, Pune, India; "Dunarea de Jos” Galati University, Galati, Romania, and other academic partners from around the globe.
The conference's inauguration took place on 12th March 2024 at 11:00 am at Sant Dyaneshwar Hall, Main Building, SPPU, Pune, India. The inaugural speech was delivered by the following dignitaries: Prof. Dr. Vijay Khare, Hon'ble Registrar, Deans & Director of International Centre, SPPU Pune; Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Suresh Gosavi; Hon’ble, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Parag Kalkar; Hon’ble Prof. (Dr.) R. M. Chitnis, Vice Chancellor, MIT World Peace University, Pune, India; Dr. Pradeep Kumar, President, Indo-European Education Foundation, Poland, and Faculty at Modern Languages, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland; Prof. (Dr.) Serge Velasco, University of Applied Science, Mittweida, Professor for International Management, Educational Dean and Foreign Officer; Prof. (Dr.) Mahdy Elhusseiny Professor of Finance at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB), USA; Prof. Dr. Kranti Deshmukh, Principal MMM's Law Colege, Pune, and Senate Member, SPPU, India. Students, Faculty, and Staff of DDSS, International Centre, and SPPU were also present.
In the two-day conference, hundreds of academicians, industrial representatives, and policymakers participated and delivered their research work.
On the Second day of the conference March 13th, 2024, the closing speech was delivered by Dr. UJWALA S. BENDALE, Dean, Principal of BVDU's New Law College, Pune, India, along with other dignitaries, Dr. Pradeep Kumar, President, Indo-European Education Foundation, Poland; Prof. (Dr.) Serge Velasco, University of Applied Science, Mittweida, Professor for International Management, Educational Dean and Foreign Officer; Prof. (Dr.) Mahdy Elhusseiny Professor of Finance at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB), USA.
What is BRCDGV?
BRCDGV is an International platform initiated and launched by the Indo-European Education Foundation, Poland in association with the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland, and its partners from around the globe. It was launched in 2017 at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland in association with SPPU Pune, India; and the University of Galati, Romania.
Since 2017, it has crossed the border and conducted its next editions in 2019 (7-8 November 2019) at Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine; and in 2020 (24th November 2020) at Patna University, Patna, India. And 2024, at SPPU Pune, again in India.
Why the 4th edition BRCDGV-2024 in India?
The purpose of conducting BRCDGV-2024 in India and especially in Pune at the SPPU, India was to provide a multidisciplinary international conference platform for academia and industries connecting with their experts, lawmakers, thought leaders, learners, educators, state representatives, business elites, independent thinkers, and society at large to present their concerns and find all possible solutions for the sustainable growth of their business concerns. Provide opportunities for academia and industries not only in Pune or Maharashtra as an Indian state, but open the door for foreign cooperation with the entire country and let local Indian business with the Global communities.
The BRCDGV is an International platform for the exchange of the latest technical information, the dissemination of high-quality research results on national & international trade & business issues, opportunities for the presentation of new developments in the area of sustainable growth, the business risk in a multicultural society, and the debate shaping of future directions and priorities for better business environment, sustainable development, and international collaborations.
The 4th edition of BRCDGV-2024 includes a wide range of topics on business risk including education, politics, laws, management, architecture, technology transfer, medicine, energy, transport, social media, economics, finance, management, and industry. We shall have lectures given by eminent keynote speakers, lawmakers, state representatives, and experts from industries, and technical sessions focusing on important research topics related to sustainable business growth.
With the hope that the conference will bring together a unique and international mix of experts to exchange and share their experience, and knowledge on all aspects of Business from all around the world with successful contributions to better India for doing business with Global Village we decided to organize our 4the edition in India at SPPU Pune, India, during March 12-13, 2024.
We congratulate our all associates for the successful conduct of the 4th edition of BRCDGV-2024!